I wanted to share something that’s been really annoying me at work and see if anyone else has faced this. I have a colleague who genuinely means well but constantly gives unsolicited advice during our team meetings… like the other day, we were brainstorming ideas for our app and they jumped in with suggestions that, while interesting, felt totally out of place since we hadn’t even asked for them! and this isn’t the first time - there’s countless of instances.
I really value collaboration and want our discussions to be open and supportive but it’s so frustrating when their input overshadows our ideas. It’s hard not to feel a bit deflated after putting in so much effort only for someone else to swoop in and take over the conversation
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you manage it ya?
Uff! That sounds tough. It’s great that you value collaboration but when someone constantly jumps in with unsolicited advice/opinions, it can be really frustrating! I’ve experienced something similar and it’s tricky because you don’t want to shut them down but also want to protect the flow of the conversation.
Here are just some ideas to mange the situation:
- Present your idea as a decision rather than a discussion. Instead of saying, “I’m thinking about trying X,” say “I’ve decided to do X because it offers Y and Z benefits.” This approach communicates that you’re informing and NOT seeking feedback or starting a collaborative conversation.
- Highlight existing support by sharing any positive results or backing from higher-ups to show that your idea has already been validated.
- Combine a compliment with a boundary. Regain control of the conversation with phrases like, "I appreciate your input, but I need to stick to the current plan to meet our deadlines."
- Be direct about what you need. Clearly state the type of feedback you’re looking for. “I value your insight. At this stage, I’m specifically seeking feedback on improving this idea, rather than exploring alternative options.”
It sounds like they do mean well but I hope one of these ways could help manage it better. Has anyone else in your team noticed it too? Might be good to discuss on a better flow during discussion time.
Oooh thanks for sharing these ideas! Hmm I’ve tried #4 before but it fell on deaf ears. Maybe I gotta be more firm and try other approaches… And I’m not actually sure if anyone else has noticed it, maybe I’ll watch their facial expressions in our next meeting hahah. I’ll update how it goes!! Thanks!