Sad about my career

Hi. Glad that I join here.
Right now, I just want to share my experience about my career. I am very sad, because up to this day I feel that I am getting worse when it comes to my career and it feels like I’m falling. I don’t know what to do.

Hi @chubbymix Welcome to the community! :cherry_blossom: I’m really glad you felt comfortable sharing your experience. It sounds like you’re going through a tough time with your career, and feeling like you’re falling can be incredibly overwhelming. It’s okay not to know what to do next, many people feel the same way at some point.

If you’re comfortable, maybe we can explore what’s been making you feel this way? Talking it through might help you find some clarity, and we’re here to support you no matter where you are on your journey.

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Hey @chubbymix, I totally get where you’re coming from! I’ve been feeling down too, like my career has hit a standstill, or worse, like I’m not on the right path. It’s been really tough especially considering everything else going on in my life.

Lately, I’ve been trying to reflect on what truly matters to me and what values I want to bring into my work. So far, I’ve realised that growth, giving back, and flexibility are my core values. Maybe it could help to explore what values resonate most with you too? You could try looking up ‘core values’ and see which three align with you—then use those to guide how you shape your career. Hope that helps!

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hey @chubbymix ! welcome to the community.

im sorry that you feel like you’re failing. do you want to explain a bit more? how is your career making you feel like a failure now?

sometimes i also feel like im failing at my job - like im never doing enough and that i’ll never get any promotions or advancements. its tough to deal with this, especially when i see my coworkers get promotions and bonuses every year - they make it look so easy too! :expressionless:

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It’s been 6 months since I became unemployed. And it really really hard for me to find a job. I don’t know what to do. My savings is really in critical. :sob::sob:

omg okay :sob: that really sounds so tough. im so sorry, thats really the worst situation to be in now.

the job market is really brutal right now :pensive: what fields are you applying in? if you have any skills, maybe you can try freelancing a little bit as you keep searching for jobs.

sending you hugs @chubbymix <3 being unemployed sucks and i hope your luck turns around very soon

Thank you so much @pinktears actually, I am applying for any job that related to my course. It’s just that, maybe the companies here in our country has a high standard. :sob:

hi @chubbymix ! so sorry to hear about your situation :pensive: i was also once unemployed for months - it did not feel good :sob:

can i suggest you apply for jobs even outside of your own field / thats a bit different from your course? thats what i eventually did n i ended up getting an offer!

obviously it takes some work to convince interviewers that you have the skills for the job, but im sure u can do it!