
Hi. I badly need some help. Almost every night I can’t explain what I feel and It makes me hard to sleep. I feel so stressed without knowing the reason and I am starting to create some scenarios in my mind that makes me hurt more. I don’t know if the reason why I’m feeling this because there’s really something wrong with my partner’s treatment to me or the problem is me. I feel like everything he’s doing is big deal for me and it really affects me. I need some help please. We argued and almost broke up when I opened up this situation to him and that night, the voices in my head keeps pushing me to just end my life.

hi @anonymous_xx . you sound like youre in very serious pain.

sometimes the voices in our heads tell us to do things that are not helpful for us. i hope today you decided to not listen to them.

is this behaviour with your partner normal? do u argue a lot? and what about? are there certain things he does that trigger you?

please remember that we cannot control other people, we can only control ourselves. it is not your fault or responsibility if your partner treats you a certain way - nothing you do justifies your partner treating you badly. obviously this applies vice versa; for a relationship to be functional and healthy, both parties have to have mutual respect for each other.

navigating relationships arent easy, unfortunately. i hope youre feeling a bit better today :heart:

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Hi @anonymous_xx,

I’m really sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way. It sounds like you’re in a lot of pain, and it takes courage to reach out for help. The voices you mentioned can feel like they’re pulling you down, but I hope you can keep choosing not to listen to them. Your feelings are important, and it’s okay to question whether your partner’s behavior is affecting you negatively.

As others have mentioned, we can’t always control how someone treats us, but we can choose to prioritize our well-being. You deserve to feel respected, heard, and supported in any relationship. It’s not your fault if someone else’s behavior is causing you pain.

Navigating relationships can be challenging. If you’re open to it, you might find our lesson on Managing Healthy Relationships helpful. It offers insights on forming positive connections and overcoming obstacles in relationships. Additionally, I encourage you to reach out to organizations like Women’s Aid Organization (WAO), which offers support for those facing relationship challenges. Please reach out if those dark thoughts come back; you don’t have to go through this alone.

If you ever feel like you need to talk, please don’t hesitate to call us at 01548770410 or text us on WhatsApp at 01130116798. We’re here to listen and support you, without judgment, only care.

Sending you strength, and I hope you’re feeling a bit lighter today. :blue_heart:

Hi! I really appreciate your help and your words really help. Actually, as much as possible, I do my best to not start an argument however, when I feel uncomfortable, I tried to open up what I feel to him however, he took it negatively and accused me that I am not trusting him for 2 years in our relationship and I feel like he don’t get my point and not trying to understand me. I just want to be heard and fix what I am feeling but it makes worst when I tried to open up so I decided to keep everything in myself and pretend that everything he do is okay with me.

hey, hope it’s okay i chime in. i can totally see how frustrating that must feel! it sounds like you’re doing your best to communicate openly but when it’s met with negativity, it makes things harder… wanting to be heard and understood is definitely important in a relationship and it must feel isolating when your feelings are dismissed like that :frowning_face:

i think many people can relate to the struggle of trying to avoid conflict but also wanting to address what’s bothering them.

keeping it all inside sounds exhausting and it’s not fair that you feel like you have to pretend everything’s okay. it’s not easy but your feelings are important and they deserve to be heard! :blue_heart: