Making Time For Yourself

Hi everyone!

I’ve been trying to make more time for myself lately, and I’d love to hear what you all do to make the most of your me-time. What are your favourite activities or routines that help you unwind and recharge?

Here’s what I’ve been enjoying lately:

  1. Morning walks :walking_woman:
  2. Trying out new recipes :fried_egg:
  3. Listening to podcasts :headphones:

Your turn! What do you do to take care of yourself?
Also, how often do you make time for yourself?

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Rarely
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i like to go for runs

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hi there! I find it so hard to have me-time with such a busy work schedule but where I can, I love to bake!! cakes, breads, everythingg! stress reliever for sure. sometimes, i have spa days but can’t do that too often as it can be quite costly haha worth it in the name of self-care!!


im so bad at taking care of myself :frowning:

Hey, that’s amazing! Baking sounds like such a fun way to unwind, and I bet the results are deliciouss. Spa days are a great treat too! Even if it’s just once in a while, it’s important to indulge in the things that make you feel good. Do you have a favorite type of cake or bread to bake?

Hey! That’s totally okay! Self-care can be tough, especially when life gets busy. You’re not alone in feeling that way. Maybe you can start with something simple like setting aside 5 minutes to relax or do something you enjoy. What’s one small thing you might try?

Who likes to karaoke at night after a long day of work? :raising_hand_woman:t2: (quietly of course, not to disturb the neighbors :laughing:)

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:raising_hand_woman:i do! sometimes i (accidentally :stuck_out_tongue:) forget about the neighbours and end up singing very loudly. no complaints from them so far thought :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

it’s sooo relaxing to just sing and scream along to songs after a stressful day at work

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Reading. My night time is not complete without a few pages of a book. Sometimes to my detriment though if it’s getting interesting :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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