Is it okay to deny depression?

Hey, its me again. This is probably just going to be an update about my state of being. Is it okay to think that you dont have depression when you do have? When I feel empty, down, unmotivated, I always say " I’m happy, I’ll always be happy. ". I dont really know if it worked or not but the fact that I am writing this it means I’m still suffering from whatever it is.

Am I really suffering from depression? To be honest I feel really weak to even come up to the conclusion that I am depressed. I know that being deppressed is okay. But Im worried that I would develop a weak mindset. I love that this community still exist. Never give up helping people. Never give up. Thank you so much.

hey @Haghan, thank you for sharing this. It’s really brave of you to open up about how you’re feeling. It’s totally okay to feel conflicted about your emotions, and sometimes we may not fully recognize depression because we’re trying to push through it or maintain a sense of positivity. It’s important to remember that depression can look different for everyone, and it’s not a sign of weakness. It’s okay to acknowledge what you’re going through, and you don’t have to have all the answers right now. You’re not alone in this, and reaching out is already a strong step. Take it one day at a time, and if you ever feel like talking, we’re here for you :orange_heart:

hey, thanks for sharing…it’s not easy to put this into words. it’s totally normal to feel confused about whether it’s depression or not. honestly, trying to force yourself to be “happy” might be adding pressure instead of helping. maybe instead, let yourself feel what you’re feeling. it’s not weak to admit you’re struggling :heart_hands:

if you can, try journaling or even reaching out to a therapist to talk it out. i tried this, and honestly, it was one of the best decisions i’ve made; therapists can do assessments to help diagnose things like depression but they’re also super supportive and can give you strength in so many ways. they can help you figure out what’s really going on and what you need. just opening up like this shows you’re already taking steps forward. sending u love!

i feel the same…got diagnosed with depression a few months ago. helped me make sense of the emptiness and darkness ive been feeling the past months… i love this community too. i wish the ppl around me weren’t so judgemental and more supportive. hmmm.

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