I’m not feeling well these past few days I felt like I just wanna end it all. I don’t know what to do anymore my family keeps yelling at me they won’t understand me if I tell how I feel about that. Since I was young they always argue and yell Infront of me I feel like I just wanna disappear, all the people in my surroundings made me feel unworthy. I just wanna end my life.
hey @anne1. im so sorry you’re feeling this way. things must be so bad if you’re thinking of ending it all.
im sorry that your family makes you want to disappear. growing up, my family made me feel the same way. it’s… hard to survive that kind of life, i won’t lie. there are days that made me question why i was alive and why my luck was so bad… to be stuck with a family that made me want to die.
it was hard, and it took years, but it got better for me. i wholeheartedly believe it can get better for you, too. it’s not going to be an easy journey, and there will be days where giving up feels like the only option. i hope during those days u can remember that there is still a lot of goodness in this world, and that there are people outside of your family who will love you as you are, unconditionally.
do u have friends you can spend more time with? or hobbies/school/work that keep you out of the house and away from your family? these can help make the days feel better until you can really, truly leave.
sending u love <3 i’m here u need to talk to someone who understands.
thanks for your courage to reach out @anne1 . i’m so sorry you’re feeling this way and i want you to know that your feelings are completely valid. it sounds like you’ve been carrying so much pain for a long time and i’m really sorry that the people around you aren’t giving you the understanding and support you need. feeling unworthy and wanting to disappear must be incredibly hard to deal with, especially when your family isn’t hearing you out
you don’t have to go through this alone. if you need someone to talk to, you can call our careline at 01548770410 or WhatsApp us at 01130116798. they’re here to listen and offer support when everything feels too overwhelming. it’s okay to ask for help and it’s a step toward feeling better, even when it feels hard.
your life is important, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now. please hold on and reach out. we’re here for you.
I’m really sorry to hear you’re feeling this way. That sounds really tough. I want you to know that you’re not alone in this and there are people who can help. It might be a good idea to talk to someone you trust, like a friend or a professional. Your feelings are important and you deserve to feel better. Please take care of yourself and remember there’s hope even when it feels really heavy. You’ve got this @anne1 !
I want to die too.
I hate myself so much and hate the pain every time i feel it
@anonymous8 hey, i’m so sorry you’re feeling all this pain but I also want to thank you for posting here. it must be incredibly hard to carry so much pain and i want you to know that you don’t have to face this alone. your feelings are valid but they don’t have to define you ; we’d love to support you and things can get better, even if it feels impossible right now.
we’ve reached out by DM so feel free to message us back to see how we can help you. otherwise, when you’re ready, you can call our careline at 01548770410 or WhatsApp us at 01130116798 anytime you need to talk. you don’t have to have it all figured out to take that step—just sharing how you feel can lighten the load, even just a little.
you’re not alone in this, and you deserve kindness and support, even if it’s hard to believe right now. take it one moment at a time—we’re here for you.
I’ve had my share of dark days too and i know how overwhelming it can feel. There were times when I honestly thought I wouldn’t make it through, I had to reach out to those hotlines for help because I just couldn’t stand the pain, it was so heavy, it was so hard to breathe I can’t imagine how much you’re going through right now but I want you to know you’re not alone. Reach out to one of those hotlines above or any that you feel comfortable with or just post here, I’ll keep checking and support you how I can - or this community really. You deserve better, we’re here for you.
Thank you, thank you
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. For the support, make me feel that i’m not alone anymore. I really hope that this feeling, the positive and negative one isn’t back and forth too often.
Yeah, those back & forth feelings can be so exhausting but it’s okay to have ups and downs… just take it one step at a time and don’t be too hard on yourself. you got this!