There are days where I’m fine but every once in a while I’ll feel the absolute worst out of the blue. Suddenly I forgot how to be myself or normal routines like everyday chores feel monumentally challenging. And I do know that these are interrupting my life, but despite me acknowledging it, I can’t seem to work functionally. These moments can last up to days or weeks and I feel like the frequency of these episodes reoccuring and the intensity of it just keep increasing.
I can’t even come up with a logical reason on why this is happening to me because there isn’t anything out of the ordinary happening to me at the moment. So explaining to people (including therapists sometimes) is difficult. But I know this is not a normal reoccurance at all. What I fear the most is that if everything is all just in my head and that I am just making up excuses to be mentally disabled all of the sudden.
hey @Webstr , thank you so much for having the courage to share what you’re going through. i’m really sorry you’re going through this. it sounds exhausting and overwhelming to have those sudden episodes where everything feels impossible, especially when you can’t pinpoint a clear reason for it. it can be really tough to explain to others (even therapists) when there’s no obvious trigger but your feelings are valid and this experience is REAL
what you’re describing is definitely not something you’re “making up” or just an excuse — it sounds like your mind and body are trying to signal that something’s not quite right, even if you can’t identify a specific cause. it’s okay to not have all the answers right now and it’s also okay to feel unsure or confused about what’s happening. mental health can be tricky and sometimes things build up quietly over time.
if you feel comfortable, it might help to keep track of these moments — writing down what you’re feeling during these episodes, or any patterns you notice. that way, it could help you (and even your therapist) understand better what might be going on.
you’re not alone in this and reaching out shows how strong you are. it’s okay to take it one step at a time.
I feel you, that sounds rough! It’s so hard when it hits out of nowhere and you can’t even explain why… but you’re not making excuses; what you’re feeling is real! Maybe start writing down what you can - like the context of when this usually comes up. Do you realise any triggers?
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