Do i really have anxiety or any sort of mental disorder?

sometimes it bothers me. do i really have any sort of mental disorder? probably anxiety?

i do have traumas. and i think it kind of leads me to become overly sensitive. i can get offended with people, but it’s not the “i’m mad of you” sort of thing. it’s more like “did i do something wrong? why would you even do this” kind of thing. i “jumped” when someone criticize me for something i’ve done wrong. i get all shaky, anxious, hearts-beating-fast, nausea, so easily when i feel “something is wrong” or “well, i’ve done things wrong”

i get bothered by this kind of feeling. i wanna get away. thankfully i am consciously aware of myself, i really really hold myself from having suicidal or self-harming thoughts.

Hello, i used to feel exactly like you did - always wondering if i had something wrong with me. i even went to multiple clinical psychologists and psychiatrists to get a full diagnosis because i wanted to give a name to what i was experiencing. it was a tiring journey, and i think at a certain point i became obsessed with trying to get diagnosed (try to avoid this is possible).

from what youre describing, it does sound like u experience strong symptoms of anxiety that r triggered from specific situations in ur life. Do u notice these happening around certain people only or is it with everyone?

If u’re looking for an answer as to whether or not have a disorder, unfortunately the only people who can give u that answer is a licensed clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. You can try to do some free tests/assesments online like DASS-21 to gauge your symptoms, but to truly know if this is part of a disorder then u rly need a see a professional.

Its really good tho that youre aware of ur specific triggers and that u can hold urself from having self-harming/suicidal thoughts. I think that takes a lot of strength n is really admirable. Did u learn how to control your thoughts all on your own?

thank you for sharing what you’re feeling. it takes a lot of self-awareness and courage to open up like this. from what you’ve described—feeling overly sensitive, shaky, anxious, and experiencing physical symptoms like a racing heart and nausea—it sounds like you’re dealing with a lot, especially with the weight of past trauma. these feelings can be overwhelming & it’s completely valid to feel bothered and want to escape from them.

it’s great that you’re aware of yourself and are holding back from harmful thoughts. that shows a lot of strength and resilience. it might be helpful to talk to a professional who can guide you through understanding these feelings and help you manage them better. sometimes, just having someone to listen and provide tools to cope can make a huge difference.

if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, you can call our careline at 01548770410 or WhatsApp us at 01130116798. they’re here to provide support whenever things feel too much to handle on your own.

you don’t have to navigate this alone and seeking support is a powerful step toward feeling better. :blue_heart:

sounds like ur super self-aware which is rlly cool. those feelings def sounds like anxiety could be a thing, esp w trauma in the mix. maybe talking to someone, like a therapist, could help u work thru it? u don’t have to deal w it alone. proud of u for staying strong and holding back from harmful thoughts. have u tried grounding stuff like deep breathing or focusing on smtg around u? it can help. :yellow_heart: