Am I exaggerating?

I have a best friend and I really love him as my best friend, but we are in conflict right now :frowning: I don’t know why he suddenly distanced himself from me, I was very sad because of that, even at school he didn’t look at me or even talk to me. Because of this, I was very confused, my mind could not be calm and I even thought about ending my life. It had happened before but we made up again, and that’s because I’m the one who apologized even though I don’t know where my mistake was, and I feel like I’m the only one fighting for this relationship, so for now I won’t apologize to him, If he thinks that I am his best friend maybe he will apologize to me, but maybe that will never happen because I am the only one who always does that :frowning: I am very sad, because he is the only person who is close to me, and when we are in conflict he seems fine and even close to one person, his closeness is the same as him and me, I feel that I have been replaced, because of this I am often sad but I can’t cry, I even often think about ending my life, am i overreacting?

Hey @dyra,
Thank you so much for sharing what you’re going through, it takes a lot of courage to open up, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It sounds like you’re carrying a lot of pain and confusion about your friendship, and it’s completely okay to feel hurt by how things have changed. You’re not overreacting; your feelings are valid, and it’s understandable to feel sad and frustrated when it seems like you’re the only one fighting for the friendship.

Navigating relationships can be really challenging. If you’re open to it, you might find our lesson on Managing Healthy Relationships helpful. It offers insights on forming positive connections and overcoming obstacles in relationships. Also, I encourage you to reach out to organizations like Women’s Aid Organization (WAO) here—they offer support for those facing relationship challenges. Please reach out if those dark thoughts come back; you don’t have to go through this alone.

If you ever feel like you need to talk, don’t hesitate to call us at 01548770410, or text us on WhatsApp at 01130116798. We’re here to listen and support you—no judgment, just care. :blue_heart:

Friendships can go through ups and downs, but your well-being always comes first. We’re here for you, and if you’re ever feeling like things are too much, please reach out, you don’t have to carry this on your own. You matter, and we care about you. :orange_heart:

Heyy there, you’re definitely not overreacting and your feelings are most valid. It’s not easy being in conflict with a friend, what more a best friend. It’s sad when the friendship feels very one-sided, have you tried making him aware of this? What did he say?

If you really feel too stuck, please do call/whatsapp the hotlines above okie!

Sending so much love!

aw man i’m so sorry you’re going through that @dyra . it’s so confusing and frustrating when someone you care about pulls away like that, especially when you don’t know why. it’s even worse when it feels like you’re the only one trying to fix things. you’re not overreacting, it’s just a lot to deal with, esp when you feel like you’re being replaced. just know that your feelings are valid and you deserve friendships where it’s not always on you to make things right :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse: please take care of yourself and reach out if you need help!!