How do our older and younger colleagues differ?

This month, let’s dive into an interesting topic: how our different generations bring unique strengths and perspectives to the workplace.

Have you ever noticed how our colleagues from different age groups approach work in their own ways? For instance, some of our more experienced team members might be more focused on working through challenges with determination, while our younger colleagues often bring a refreshing emphasis on balance and mental wellbeing.

:sparkles: How do you see these generational differences playing out in your workplace? :sparkles:
:arrow_right: Have you observed different attitudes towards mental health or work-life balance among your colleagues? How are these topics perceived in your work environment?

We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Let’s share and learn from each other as we continue to grow together!

omg this topic is sooo relatable! i’ve definitely noticed the generational gap at work too. i’m in an o&g company, and i started through a grad programme, so literally everyone on my team is wayyy older than me. my boss is gen x, and some of my team members are millennials.

the pressure to work overtime is crazy—like, nights, weekends, even holidays. it feels like there’s no such thing as a break! my boss will legit send emails while she’s on holiday with her family, and my team is the same. i hate it. i’m constantly overwhelmed and exhausted, and i just wish everyone would actually take the break they need instead of working nonstop. :weary:

Hey @annabelle, thank you for sharing your experience! I hear you, and I totally understand how overwhelming that pressure can be. The oil and gas industry often comes with a demanding work culture and high expectations, making it challenging to find a healthy work-life balance.

Have you thought about bringing up the conversation about work-life balance with your team? Sharing how it affects you might encourage others to reflect on their own habits. It could also be helpful to explore any mental health initiatives or work-life programs at your company.

It’s so important for us to support one another and advocate for a healthier workplace, especially in such a challenging environment. Remember, you’re not alone in this, hang in there! :star2:

honestly, i feel like we’re at such an interesting point in the workplace right now. as a millennial, i’ve been around long enough to see how things used to be, and now we’ve got gen z coming in and shaking things up. older generations—gen x, even some millennials—are still stuck in this mindset that working long hours and always being available is the only way to succeed.

but i’m starting to see that gen z really values balance and boundaries, and honestly, we could all learn from that. it’s not about trying to fit them into the old way of doing things, but giving them the space to do things differently. i think we need to make room for their perspective on work-life balance and mental health because it’s actually super important. we should be evolving as the workforce changes, instead of holding onto the past. it’s not just about getting the job done anymore, but making sure we’re all thriving and not burning out.

I totally agree! It’s refreshing to witness gen z prioritising balance and boundaries.

Prioritising mental health and work-life balance is definitely important for everyone and we should definitely make room for these changes. it’s all about :sparkles: thriving :sparkles: , not just surviving, and i believe we can learn so much from each other!